Press Releases:

For more information about the United States Golf Register contact us at 888-508-USGR (8747) or write us at United States Golf Register, 4830 Line Avenue, #315, Shreveport, LA 71106. E-mail:

Current Press Releases

For Immediate Release


Official Hole-in-One Historic Register Launched

United States Golf Register, the nation's first historical registry of hole-in-ones, has been formed to officially document and archive hole-in-ones. The fully trademarked, U.S. Golf Register is dedicated to identifying, registering and archiving hole in ones, and to distinguish those who have achieved this extraordinary event. There are no fees for registration and no dues.

It is estimated that the odds of hitting a hole in one are anywhere from one in 20,000 to one in 33,000. These are guesstimates based on estimated rounds played and estimated hole-in-ones. Until now, no single group has sought out or officially documented hole-in-ones to be recorded for a national historic register.

US Golf Register was born when golf enthusiast, James Bowen, discovered that there existed no official national registry devoted to recording and archiving the extraordinary feat of a hole-in-one. Fascinated by the odds, and determined that the achievement merited recognition, Bowen set out to establish an official register and historical record for all hole-in-ones, past and present.

All registrations are recorded and archived for historical purposes. US Golf Register's current operations are located in Shreveport, LA.

For more information, contact US Golf Register at 888-508-USGR (8747), write @ U.S.Golf Register, 4830 Line Avenue, #315, Shreveport, LA 71106, or visit our website


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For Immediate Release


Historic Register Launches Search for Hole-in Ones

The waggle. Sssshhhhh. The swing. The click of club hitting ball sweetly. With eyes wide open there is the hope, the anticipation, then disbelief. It is! A hole in one! Few things are more amazing to a golfer, amateur or professional, than to ace a hole in golf. For those who have succeeded in beating the odds by hitting a hole-in-one, no matter how long ago, there is an official golf register interested in historically recording the remarkable feat.

United States Golf Register, the nation's official historic registry of hole-in-ones, has launched a nationwide search to identify and register all hole-in-ones hit in the US, past and present. Formed in 1998, the fully trademarked US Golf Register has been dedicated to identifying, documenting and archiving hole in ones, and to distinguishing those who have achieved this extraordinary event. There are no fees for registration and no dues.

It is estimated that the odds of hitting a hole in one are anywhere between one in 20,000 and one in 33,000. Those odds are guesstimates based on estimated rounds played and estimated hole-in-ones achieved. Up until now, no official group was attempting to identify and officially register every hole-in-one hit in the US both past and present. United States Golf Register has changed that. "No single organization was dedicated to historically registering hole-in-ones," says James Bowen, president of US Golf Registry. "We think an ace is a historical event, and we want to treat it like one," says Bowen.

US Golf Register was developed as a historical register. Each hole-in-one registered is given an official registration number and is recorded along with the golfer's name, date, course, hole, ball and club used, and at least one witness. The information is then permanently archived. Bowen says he has not yet had the pleasure of recording his own hole-in-one. "I'm working at trying to play enough golf to make that dream come true," he says with a smile.

To register your hole-in-one, ask your golf facility for a registration form, or call US Golf Registry at 888-508-USGR (8747). You can register via the internet by loggng on to the US Golf Register Web Site at


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